Tonwen Jones


Brighton, United Kingdom

Tonwen likes to troll her collection of 1950s magazines in search of images, objects and textures to manipulate for her surrealist creations, which reveal her comical take on everyday life. She enjoys drawing complex motifs in ink or pen, mixing styles and techniques, and using a light and airy colour palette.

CDscope magazine of Caisse des Dépôts

Editorial / CDscope de La Caisse des Dépôts
Illustrations: Tonwen Jones

Science & Vie magazine

Science & Vie Magazine / Article on fake news related to the Olympics.
Illustrations : Tonwen Jones

Swiming magazine
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Freudin Magazin

Editorial / Key moments of 2023 / Freudin Magazin
Illustrations: Tonwen Jones

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City cards
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The CNRS Journal
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The CNRS Journal
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CDscope magzine of Caisse des Dépôts
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Flooid brand

Tonwen Jones worked on presenting the brand concept for the Flooid brand project for a competition.

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Bethesda Magazine

Here's the cover and interior spots illustrated by Tonwen Jones for Bethesda Magazine's special issue on Top Doctors 2023.

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St Mary's University Magazines

Tonwen Jones had the pleasure to illustrated a fold out map of the campus and the covers of the of Gold & Blue magazines of St. Mary's University in San antonio, Texas. Thanks to this great teamwork!

Swiss Life annual report
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CDscope Magazine
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Here is an illustration signed by Tonwen Jones for the poster of the new campaign My public professional services, I tattooed them on the heart, realized by FIZ Studio. This campaign mark « Fédération des professionnelles et professionnels de l’éducation (CSQ) » annual « La Semaine des professionnelles et professionnels de l’éducation ».

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SwissLife annual report cover
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Annual Report for Philanthropy Advocacy
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Annual report for Philanthropy Advocacy
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Poster pitch for L'Opéra de Paris.
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Newspaper CDscope of La Caisse des Dépôts
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Caisse des Dépôts CDscope journal.
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Science & Vie magazine
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Science & Vie magazine
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Caisse des Dépôts of France

Tonwen Jones has done a colossal job in recent months, 23 huge maps illustrated for posters for the Bank of Territories to each regional management of the Caisse des Dépôts de France. She also shares one of her personal creations, named “Teen breathe in your interests”.

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Territories Bank in France
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L'Express magazine
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L'Express magazine

Here is an editorial illustration by Tonwen Jones in a modern collage mix concerning sciences, for L'Express magazine. And, illustrations around the theme of the environment for communication tools of GRT Gaz.

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L'Express magazine
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L'Express magazine
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Science & Vie magazine
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Science & Vie magazine
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Science & Vie magazine
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Science & Vie
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Science & Vie
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Science & Vie
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Science & Vie
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Science & Vie
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Management magazine
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Media.Figaro x Canada
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Paris Worldwide
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Paris Worldwide
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Birthday numbers
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Birthday numbers
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Halifax Map's
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Science & Vie
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Science & Vie
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Science & Vie
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Maison 1608
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Baltimore magazine

Tonwen Jones amazes and abducts our clients with every project she works on. Baltimore magazine is a part of them.

Baltimore Magazine
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History Pin’s Story Box - designed by Carly Murphy-Merrydew
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History Pin’s Story Box - designed by Carly Murphy-Merrydew
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Freundin magazine
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Freundin magazine
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Creative capsule

Here is our seventh CREATIVE CAPSULE. This month, we invite you to meet Tonwen Jones, English illustrator based in Brighton full of vintage references and surrealist creations who revisits with humour funnily the daily life. Good discover!

Describe your creative lab in a few words?
Inspirational, fun and close to the sea.

In two sentences, how would you describe your work technique?
I am predominately a collage illustrator who combines photographs (often vintage), hand drawn elements, patterns, textures and paper ephemera. I scan and assemble everything in photoshop and end up with a digital illustration file that tends to have a comical take on everyday life.

What is the project of which you are most proud of?
London Zoo Map for the new Lion Exhibit and several of my illustrated maps that were featured in the Gestalten book ‘Mind the Map’ showcasing maps and cartography. It was a proud moment!

What are your favourite colors to create?
Bright pinks and blues with maybe a hint of mustard.

Why did you become an artist?
It was in my blood. Both my parents are artists so I’ve always been surrounded by art, printmaking presses and interesting artefacts.

In four words, how would you describe your style of illustration?
Humorous, vintage, eclectic and colourful.

What is the project of your dreams?
Illustrating my own book of maps, some real and some of the imagination.

What does a typical day in the life of Tonwen looks like?
I always start the day with a fresh pot of coffee and once I turn my computer on, I also tune into Radio6 Music. I often browse through several blogs for some inspiration and then I make a start on whatever job I’m working on at the time. After several hours of drawing and assembling in photoshop, I might pop out for a stroll in the North Laines district in Brighton to browse through the flea markets to get some inspiration or along the seafront to get some fresh air. Then I get back to my drawing board and feel fully charged to start drawing again. I often work late and several of us often get a take out if we have a big job on!

What inspires you?
Exhibitions, junk shops, museums and the seaside where I live.

What is your favourite blog or website?
Ape on the Moon ( and Design sponge (

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BBC Focus magazine
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BBC Focus magazine
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BBC Focus magazine
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London Zoo map : 'Land of the Lion' exhibit.
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Callisto Media
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Callisto Media

Tonwen Jones illustrated for the book on Leonardo da Vinci’s work entitled Leonardo: Insatiable Curiosity: The Artist, the Genius, the Legend was published by the Lightning Guides in December 2015.

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Gestalten / Mind the Map

You can find some maps of Tonwen Jones in the last book of Gestalten Mind the map, Illustrated Maps and Cartography.

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Com' Ent magazine

With a little of delay, we present you a topic which handles with the question of the identity, through, on one hand, a philosophic approach (who am I? I am the same throughout my existence? etc.) and, on the other hand, the problems of brand identity (logotype, positioning, storytelling). Illustrated by Tonwen Jones for the magazine Com' Ent of last spring.

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M le magazine du Monde

2 illustrations realized by Tonwen Jones for 2 different articles of M the magazine of Le Monde. The first one is a report on a ski resort just renovated in North Korea, and the second, a fictitious map on 10 accommodations of charm in the mountain.

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M le Monde
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Personal research: tourist maps

Tonwen Jones loves to illustrate tourist maps! She had fun to illustrate maps of India and Iceland, countries that she had the chance to visit.

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M le Monde
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ESH 2014 annual report, Les Entreprises Sociales pour l’Habitat

The 5 files of the ESH 2014 annual report - Entreprises Sociales pour l'Habitat - were elaborated as maps and illustrated by Tonwen Jones.

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Illustration for the Colagene guide Positive Side Effects
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Mississippi State - Annual Report
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Red Magazine
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Mississippi State - Annual Report
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Colby College Magazine
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Totem / Geico Now Magazine
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Immense Magazine

Here is an idea of holiday destinations in the Province of Quebec for this summer with these beautiful maps illustrated by Tonwen Jones that make us discover in details Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region and the summer activities suggested there. These illustrations were made for Immense Magazine, a touristic publication about the region. Enjoy the visit!

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Tonwen interpretation of Holi India festival
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Business Strategy Review
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Le Parisien Magazine, Weekend Section, Roma
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Reader's Digest Magazine
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Whiskey - Le Snob - Elwin Street Publishers
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At Home with Century21
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At Home with Century21
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Immense magazine / Lac-StJean map
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Immense Magazine / Saguenay-Lac-StJean map
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Coup de Pouce Magazine
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2012 United Nation convention's calendar
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Annual report of Médiateur Nationnal de l'Energie
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Magazine At Home with Century21
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Magazine At Home with Century21
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Perfume - Le Snob - Elwin Street Publishers
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The Guardian in association with Club UK
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CNRS Journal
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At Home with Century21 magazine
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Châtelaine magazine
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Bruswick Group
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Study Group
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At Home with Century21 magazine
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Metro Detroit Bride
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Colagene Guide
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Caisse des Dépôts Annual Report
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Calandar Canadian Living magazine
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Les Cahiers de l'Anah
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Les Cahiers de l'Anah
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Chicago Magazine
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Magazine Contact of the MAAF (insurance company)
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Chicago Magazine
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Time Out New York
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Globe and Mail
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Toronto Life Magazine
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Affaires Plus Magazine
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