
Like a fish to water

The month of Pisces is ending and April showers approaches. On this occasion, we offer you a wallpaper by Silke Werzinger about this perfect combination of fish and water. In addition, the graphic design clinic makes you discover Norway, David continues his collaboration with Société Générale in London and Hong Kong, Anne goes skiing with Carrera and Véronique visits Africa. And, like every month, discover below a selection of the latest works of the clinic.

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- The illustrators and agents of the clinic

Like a fish to water

The month of Pisces is ending and April showers approaches. On this occasion, we offer you a wallpaper by Silke Werzinger about this perfect combination of fish and water. In addition, the graphic design clinic makes you discover Norway, David continues his collaboration with Société Générale in London and Hong Kong, Anne goes skiing with Carrera and Véronique visits Africa. And, like every month, discover below a selection of the latest works of the clinic.

We invite you to follow us on our Facebook.

- The illustrators and agents of the clinic

Bonaldo ad campaign / Montreal

Colagene, graphic design clinic has signed the latest advertising campaign of Bonaldo, a boutique of high-end furniture, located in the Old Port of Montreal. To present the new series of furniture made in Norway, and to emphasize the concept Discover Norway from your living room, Vincent Sillard, art director, has created a staging representative of Montreal "monuments" (Olympic Stadium, Habitat 67 and the Biosphere) in Norwegian landscapes. The photomontage was created by Damien Vignaux.

David Despau / Société Générale campaign / London + Hong Kong

Continuation of the series of illustrations created by David Despau for the advertising campaign of the bank Société Générale targeting investors and those who need funding.

Marie Claire China / Beijing

Kimi Kimoki showcased featured beauty products for readers in China in a mural inspired by the fairy tale Thumbelina, with an enchanting and romantic garden and its modern princesses.

Health ID website / France

Damien Vignaux has done various illustrations on the website; A global view of health to support your innovative projects.

Working Mother Magazine / USA

Véronique Joffre created cut paper style illustrations for the article: "The four workplace traps for working women -- and how to avoid them" for Working Mother Magazine. She represented these 4 profiles: Tightrope, Prove It Again, Maternal Wall and Tug of War.

Éric Caron / Sun Life Financial / Montreal

Éric Caron was chosen by Bleu Blanc Rouge agency to create 4 large illustrations of everyday life rooms: a living room, a kitchen, an office and a back-room. The illustrations have been exhibited during Sun Life Financial company's promotional tour that has started last February during festival "Montreal en Lumière". Visitors can interact with the illustrations via the visual recognition tool of an iPad application. The tour will take place in a few Quebec festivals during the year.

"Pisces" wallpaper to download by Silke Werzinger / Berlin

The wallpaper of this month is illustrated by Silke Werzinger and was created for the horoscope of Maxi magazine in Germany. Silke finds inspiration in everyday life, magazines, and notebooks she picks up at flea markets. Her simple style, which combines ink and colour, has an almost adolescent brazenness, and her illustrations tell amusing stories in scenes taken from everyday life, conversations between friends, fashion and music.

Versions 1680x1050, 1440x900, 1280x800...
Versions 2560x1440, 1920x1080...
Versions iPhone 4iPhone 5 
Version iPad, iPad mini

Anne Cresci / Carrera / Be Magazine / Paris

Anne Cresci illustrated, in the context of a rock music festival that takes place in the mountains, an advertorial for the eyewear brand Carrera, published in the magazine Be. The illustration shows three models of sunglasses for women.

Book covers / Random House

Katrinn illustrated two book covers, The Perfect Match and A French Affair, by the famous author Katie Fforde, published by Random House. A third cover is coming soon. We talk about Katrinn on Katie Fforde's blog.

El Tiempo newspaper / Colombia

Very indignant about the current situation in Bogotá, I take this opportunity to express my support for democracy with this illustration done in the past for the newspaper El Tiempo.
- Pedro Covo

Perfume advertising campaign / Paris

For nearly a year, Camille Corbetto works with a Parisian agency on storyboards of various proposals for TV spots for a wellknown perfume brand.

Emmanuel Polanco / Institutional Investor Magazine / USA

Emmanuel Polanco had to come up with a concept for an illustration published in the Institutional Investor magazine. It has to represent the article: "Global Market Thought Leaders", a story about why investors should reconsider investing in emerging markets stocks despite any skittishness over volatility in those markets, especially in high-risk stocks, which are trading at historically low prices while offering high potential returns.

Health topic of Votre Beauté magazine / Paris

Adam was chosen to illustrate the 2014 Health topic for the magazine Votre Beauté. The first issue shown here is "Tomorrow, all supercentenarians?" Discover every month Adam's illustrations in the magazine Votre Beauté.

Aaron McConomy / OPC Register magazine / Ontario

Aaron McConomy collaborates again on a conceptual illustration project for the cover of the Ontario Principals' Council Register magazine. The article was about electronic communications in a school setting.

Apec Rh magazine / Paris

Colagene illustrates every month the magazine covers of the Apec RH, a French placement and recruitment agency. This month, Benoît Tardif illustrates the theme: "The transfer of skills, performance issue for the company." It was important to demonstrate the concept of passing the torch, communications and information flow between employees.

Fashion collages and solo exhibition / London

Véronique presents her latest research titled "Collage in a square" on the theme of fashion and great designers. Below is an example of it, but to discover the complete series of 3 illustrations, follow this link. Also, a few months ago, Véronique made ​​her first solo exhibition in London at The Haberdashery. She has exhibited there an original series of paper collages on the theme "Africa in Crouch End".

Emmanuel Polanco / Les Inrocks / Paris

Emmanuel Polanco continues to work with the weekly French magazine Les Inrocks. Here is a selection of the latest topics that have been given to him. Emmanuel explains: "This series is for the "ideas" section for the triple issue of the end of the year. I illustrated two keywords to describe the ideas of the year: the first is about burnout and the second on discretion."

InBusiness magazine / Toronto

For a package in February’s issue of inBusiness magazine, distributed by The Globe and Mail, Sonia Roy created different collages on the topic of small businesses that are moving to a global stage and factors influencing their approach and decision.


Euler Hermes internal magazine

Kelly Schykulski created ​​these illustrations for articles of internal magazine of Euler Hermes, the world leader in credit insurance, about e-recruiting and e-learning.

Marie-Eve Tremblay / Illustrated book for Éditions Mic Mac / Paris

Marie-Eve was the first at the clinic to work with the publishing company Éditions Mic Mac for a fully illustrated children book. Here are some excerpts from the book COW la petite vache cache ses taches (the small cow hiding her spots), the story of a well determined cow. She also illustrated the book Cocci la petite coccinelle cherche ses taches (the small ladybug looking for her spots).

Expo + Transit Shelter contest / Montreal

Discover the illustrations of Sonia Roy and Kelly Schykuslki entered to Expo + Transit Shelter contest presented by Quebecor Media in collaboration with STM (Montreal's public transport society) for the promotion of new bus shelters in Montreal city.